
Ernste at the mixer

CEMC Director, Kevin Ernste

CEMC exists to facilitate the individual creative musical ideas of Cornell’s diverse and distinguished student body. This “anything is possible” philosophy is in keeping with Ezra Cornell’s original vision for the university as a whole, “I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.”

Founded in 2006 by composer Kevin Ernste, the Cornell Electroacoustic Music Center (CEMC) provides a place for experimental music creation and production as well as a forum for research into emerging creative technologies. CEMC continues Cornell’s deep historical roots in electronic music, providing an environment of creativity and exploration, inciting students and faculty composers, performers, and scholars to investigate new musical paradigms and sound worlds. The Center is, therefore, primarily a place of openness, an outgrowth of the diversity of interests at Cornell as a whole. The Center’s mission is to widen the perspective of what is available, looking toward helping students develop their own artist methods and toolkits.

CEMC’s facilities include five studios–one primarily multichannel studio and three workstations, a 14-station teaching lab, as well as several roving performance and recording systems, including a state-of-the-art multichannel rig and a cubic array for installations and research. See studios for more details.

This site acts as a public portal for information about CEMC. In addition to public content, it offers student and faculty access to course information, studio documentation, troubleshooting, communication in the form of studio forums (registered users only), news and event listings, as well as personal and shared web/blog space.

Feel free to peruse these pages and/or request a user account to participate. User access will be given to anyone connected with the studios directly including those who have taken courses in digital music previously or other faculty who are interested in using the facilities for creative purposes.

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