For Assignment #4, you will use our newly-developed skills in synthesis using Operator to do as we did together in lab and create several sounds imitating real-world timbres.
- A clapping sound, as in this sample
- A bell, as in this sample
- A tom-tom drum, as in this sample (try exploring Operator’s “Pitch envelope” to create that ‘dip’)
—> Here’s a nice tutorial on creating classic drum sounds through synthesis - A human singing voice (no sample provided … be creative!)
- Choose a sound yourself and recreate it, providing the sample or link to a sample that you are matching
You are free to use all the modes of synthesis that we’ve covered in class: Additive, Subtractive, and FM. You should only use Operator as the base instrument to complete this assignment, although you may also experiment with extending the source sound with ordinary Audio Effects that we’ve discussed previously (EQ, Compression, Reverb, etc.) if you wish!
Please create a Live project, using one MIDI track for each sound, five MIDI tracks total. We should be able to open your Live Project, monitor in with a MIDI keyboard into each succesive track, and hear your resulting sound. For sound #5 (“Choose a sound yourself…”), either include your sample sound in a 6th track (audio track) or link to the sample online in description field in the hand-in links below.