Your final project is to be performed on our end-of-semester Sound Art Forum. You may use any techniques from the course and any software or hardware you wish to create and perform your piece live. Your performance can take almost any form, which we will discuss in class, but in general it should build upon and/or expand what you have learned and developed in the course, through assignments, and through semester projects. It is the culminating effort of the semester and, thus, your time to showcase your creative self and what you have learned.
Equipment, logistics, and sound check times will all be discussed in class and handled via a Google form that you will receive just before the last week of class.
Some suggestions:
1) Try to stay around the 3-5 minute mark (longer if collaborating)
2) You are free to collaborate with other members of the class but you MUST CONSULT WITH ME and let me know what each person’s role will be. Outside collaborators are welcome and encouraged with the same caveat.
3) Create something amazing
Materials used for the final project must be turned in, as with other projects, including all sources and Live (or other software) “projects”. This is due on the day following the live performances.
Upload pre-recorded projects in advance of the concert here.