Assignments, week of 9/8

This week’s assignments is designed to familiarize you with the terminal software and hardware available in the studios.

Access the Unix terminal (Applications–>Utilities–>Terminal) and begin to learn to use its utilities and environment for music. Documentation is available for each. For basic unix commands and their “soundfile directory” equivalents, see the Basic Unix Commands page. To explore using the in-terminal examples I mentioned in class, see the Score11 Quickstart Guide. I will make hard copies available in studio on the main desk.

I am supplying, below, several articles about the piece, but you should feel free to explore on your own separately from my article curation, including things like Chowning’s homepage at CCRMA and interviews and articles that abound. Some of the articles will be quite technical and may include methods and ways of thinking that are unfamiliar. These are invitations for your further investigation, either on your own or through questions you bring to the seminar.

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