David Cui

Hey, I’m David Cui. I’m a senior studying operations research in the school of engineering. I’m taking this class because I grew up with music, taking lessons in piano and violin at a young age and eventually teaching myself a very basic level of guitar, bass, and drums.

I’ve always liked expressing my creative side through music, but given the opportunity I would also like to make the quality of my music as best as possible. I’ve experimented around a bit with some recording software to record small things for school projects. I wouldn’t consider myself a composer or anything on that level, but I have done arrangements for my A Capella group here (Measureless) and have written songs for my own amusement. I’ve done some really, really rough multitracking, and I want to learn how I can create songs or tracks with multiple parts and voices.

Looking forward to working with you all and hearing your musical creations!

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