hi there

i’m david, one of the TA’s for this course. as i mentioned on tuesday, i’m a pianist and have worked especially in the fields of new and experimental music, grounded in the classical and post-classical (can we say that yet?) traditions. however, i’ve always been musically omnivorous and am a big fan of artists from across a pretty huge spectrum–  everything from electroclash to bounce to classic delta blues, etc. i’ve had the good fortune of being involved with some pretty interesting projects involving electronic/digital/computer music over the years, but am sure that i will learn a lot along with everyone over the semester with this course. here is a performance from last year of a work by a really interesting composer/artist/sound artist named tristan perich for three toy pianos and three channels of one-bit tones that i was a part of for the UNPLAY festival in nyc.




tristan will be here in november for a residency, so if you find his work interesting let me know and i’ll keep you posted about his visit.  looking forward!

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