Music 6421 students might wish to be aware of the “ambilib~” tools for PureData including my own implementation of a 3D panner, available in the “Spatialization” folder on the Desktop in Studio A , in the folder “PD_ambipanner”. This includes a simple audio looper/player and a grid-based ambisonic panner. The panner is an abstraction and contains the ambisonic panning and audio output for B27 internally. See the patch itself for more details.
Additionally, you might look at the HoaLibrary (High Order Ambisonics Library), available for both PD and Max/MSP here. HOA includes a snazzy interface for both platforms. I have installed the HOA libraries on both platforms so they will work fine in the studios (in PD go to “Help–>PD Browser->hoa.library” to see a tutorial). Note the patch “hoa.2d.decoder~” which uses an ambisonic decoder (see patch below)!