Author Archives: Brian Shi

Assignment 0: Brian Shi

Hey everybody! My name is Brian and I am currently a senior in the school of arts & sciences, pursuing a double major in economics and computer science. I’ve always loved listening to music of all genres and that has definitely driven my passion for wanting to learn how to produce music, and that’s why I am here enrolled in this course! I’ve never had any formal music training and I’ve never played an instrument, but I have spent some time learning about music production and composition on my own on-and-off over the past couple of years. I’m definitely not an expert in producing music though, and so that’s why I am excited to take this course to really learn more about production and music theory.

I’ve also never really finished a remix/mashup as I’ve never been truly happy with what I’ve made, but I hope this course will help me iron out some of the issues I’ve encountered and allow me to grow as an artist. In terms of my creative agenda, I hope to draw inspiration from some of my favorite genres including progressive house, rap, and indie-pop into producing remixes and mashups. I’d also love to work with others that have a similar creative agenda, but I am also happy to collaborate with those who share different perspectives as well!

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