Author Archives: Cirrus

Assignment 0: Mark Mahoney

Hi all! My name’s Mark, and I’m very excited to get to know you and your music over the course of this semester.

I’m a second-year PhD student in musicology with an interest in experimental and improvised music. I have a bit of experience with pen-and-paper composition, and dealing with analog sound (I ran tech for shows at a small non-profit in Chicago prior to returning to school), but have virtually no hands-on experience with digital music-making practices.

I’m also very excited just to have a reason to make some music again – as someone who usually creates music in improvised contexts with others (mostly on brass instruments and sometimes keyboards), the pandemic was very isolating!

My primary goals for the course are to develop some basic facility working with DAWs and other tools, and to experiment with what’s possible. Elastic Arts, my old workplace, currently has a 16-speaker system for electroacoustic music installed, so if I’m feeling ambitious I may try to create something which I could play over that system. I’m very open to collaboration and can’t wait to hear what emerges from this class.

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