Author Archives: David Friend

tristan perich at cornell

tristan publicity photo (2)

hi everyone– i just wanted to write a quick post to remind you about tristan perich’s residency at cornell this weekend. tristan is one of the most celebrated young artists working in digital art and electroacoustic music today, and it’s a great opportunity to hear some of his work, hear him speak, or meet him while he’s on campus.

i’m also really pleased to be putting on a concert featuring his music. tristan will perform his piece for two percussionists and 1-bit electronics (joined by prof. mike compitello), and there will also be performances of a large portion of his music for keyboard instruments (including the piece for three toy pianos and 1-bit electronics that i posted earlier in the semester!) performed by myself and the other two doctoral students in my program. i am particularly excited to be playing his piece ‘dual synthesis’ (an *extremely* demanding work for harpsichord and electronics) for the first time.

you can find information on the residency (including the composers forum lecture on nov 7 at 1:30PM and the concert on nov 8 at 8PM) at this link:

you can also learn more about tristan and his work here:

hope to see you!

>david f

hi there

i’m david, one of the TA’s for this course. as i mentioned on tuesday, i’m a pianist and have worked especially in the fields of new and experimental music, grounded in the classical and post-classical (can we say that yet?) traditions. however, i’ve always been musically omnivorous and am a big fan of artists from across a pretty huge spectrum–  everything from electroclash to bounce to classic delta blues, etc. i’ve had the good fortune of being involved with some pretty interesting projects involving electronic/digital/computer music over the years, but am sure that i will learn a lot along with everyone over the semester with this course. here is a performance from last year of a work by a really interesting composer/artist/sound artist named tristan perich for three toy pianos and three channels of one-bit tones that i was a part of for the UNPLAY festival in nyc.


tristan will be here in november for a residency, so if you find his work interesting let me know and i’ll keep you posted about his visit.  looking forward!

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