Author Archives: Studio User

Hi, I’m Manuela Rios

Hey all, I’m Manuela Rios and I am a senior in Information Science (time flies). I started drumming when I was eight years old (still play!), and I have experimented with gamelan, marching instruments, experimental drumming, and drum set. I’ve performed in marching fields, in indoor gyms, in orchestra settings, and on the floor (gamelan).

At Cornell, I’ve taken three other music courses, but I am very excited for this class because I will be able to combine my interest in music with my interest in tech. I don’t have a particular creative agenda, but I am definitely interested in working with others!

I’m Phil Fargo and this is me!

Hey all. My name is Phil Fargo and I have a pretty big musical background from a performance point of view, but not from the lens of production. I am a classically trained vocalist but sing in all styles (for fun). My biggest musical accomplishment was soloing at Carnegie Hall last semester. I play piano, guitar, and trumpet. I wanted to take this class because I think that music is fun, and therefore composing music must be like composing fun right? I have experience writing A Capella arrangements, but it’s time to try something a little more original and a little less vocal focused. I am planning on trying my hand making some chillstep music, some “garage band” type tracks, and some stuff that I haven’t even thought of yet. I hope that I will get to work with others in the class to have fun making music.

Dance Mat Soundpad patch

Hi all,

I’ve included a link to the .zip file with all the things you’d need (sans the mat) to run this patch.

Good luck on finals!


Today’s DIY workshop

Since we were such a small class today, I decided to document for all the people that missed it. It being the glorious world of DIY electronics and Arduino synth kits. Anywho, I’ve got plenty of pictures, so if you want to tell all your friends about that cool things you did in class today, now you have photographic evidence. Enjoy!

DIY is beautiful!


More PD patches!


Here’s my part of the PD patch for our violin-tastic performance. It’s basically a tiny computer-playground. Just start hitting buttons and moving sliders to see what happens. Or you can be a square and follow the performance agenda in my subpatch pd how-to-play. It’s your call.

Valar Dohaeris,


Client Patches for MuseMaze

Hey everyone, below you will find a link to a zip of the patches we’d like you to use for our MuseMaze presentation. Each of these patches can work on their own and so long as you connect to the network you should be able to control the main patch during the presentation.

We’re going to assign you a specific patch number to use and have made it so your PD program will not work correctly if you try to use more than two patches at once. Of course you are free to use whichever patch you’d like and step on as many of your fellow classmates’ toes as possible.

We hope you have fun!

-Charlie and Bobby


Okay, so I highly doubt that everyone in our class likes Game of Thrones, but I’m going to post this anyways, because it’s (technically) relevant to our studies. Check out this dude’s setup, and of course, the remix. And if you like Game of Thrones, nerd out as much as I did, if not more.

Valar Morghulis,


2421 Project Hoffman Niazi

Group members: Ian Hoffman and Cameron Niazi

Project description: Can’t really think of one. It’s sort of a cool guitar and electronic blend. I don’t know. Judge for yourself during the performance.

2421 project #2 Group

Group members: Julia Klein, Kevin Neilsen, Riley Owens, Shane Moore

Dance track with live vocals and guitar.

2421 project 2

Hey! Riley and I were curious if anyone in Music 2421 happens to play sax, trumpet, violin or cello? Send me an email at jik38 AT if you do!  -Julia

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