PD(-extended) installation guide

To install PD(-extended) on your Mac, PC, or Linux system please visit:


Download the installer appropriate to your operating system and architecture (I don’t recommend the “Alpha” release for prime-time usage. If you are curious about recent developments in the interface (significant) and function of PD or interested in participating in development, you are welcome to download that also).

For some Mac users, you may need to install “X11”, the venerable Unix graphics system on which some of PD’s functionality rests. You can download that, available now as “XQuartz” from here.

Here, too, is mPD, a mobile version for Android, for those interested:


In addition to PD’s built-in Help system, please see the following sites for more help and shared patches.

– PD Forum and Patch Repo – Repository for patches, tutorials, and discussion related to PD.

– PD FLOSS Manuals – including concepts, working patches, and installation/setup help

Programming Electronic Music in PD (“loadbang”) – Johannes Kreidler’s book

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