Hi Everyone

My name is Miguel and I’m a junior in the ILR School. I used to sing and play piano consistently when I was younger but now I enjoy focusing my efforts into producing music. I only recently started to explore music production as I have always been a fan of hip-hop. As I grew older however, my music taste diversified immensely and I now enjoy listening to house, electronic, indie rock, r&b, jazz, soul, and every subcategory in between. Being exposed to hip-hop all these years, I have always been more appreciative of the lyrical side of music, but as I grew to love all types of music, I have come to embrace every aspect of a musical art piece, from the drums and bass, to the effects, and to the instruments I never even used to notice. And I have always considered music to be my favorite art form, because it always resonated with me the most.

Having such a strong connection to music, it was only a natural step for me to start experimenting with making my own. Since my skills in computer music production and performance are only average at best, I hope that through this course, I can master the music software and performance tools necessary to make me a more creative musician. I want to familiarize myself with the music software as much as possible and learn to perform as such. I want to be able to produce a piece of music from any genre I feel like doing. In short, I want to translate all my creative musical ideas into reality. And the best way I can see myself doing that is through this course. Thank you for reading and I hope to learn as much from you guys as I will from this course!



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