Hello. My name is Anna Bores. I am a Junior in ILR and I am minoring in music (I also might minor in PMA and inequality studies we’ll see what happens). I am assistant musical director of Hearsay A Cappella and I am a member of Contrapunkt. In terms of musical background I sing (I was a vocal major at LaGuardia High School of the Arts) and I play a little bit of piano. I write music and I’m all over the place in terms of genre. I’ve written Pop, Indie, Classical, etc., but my focus is probably Pop and Indie. I’ve only recently begun to explore electronic composition but it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite genres to compose. The only program I’ve used is garageband so I am hoping that this class will help me master more advanced programs and create better electronic compositions.
Introduction for Music 1421 – Anna Bores
I’m excited to get to know all of you!