Here are two quick and simple OSC routing patches using “localhost” (your own computer) as the IP address. Click “connect” and then you can “send” the message. From there, the received data can be sent [s somename] within PD like any other message.
I have included here two methods for doing the same thing:
1. Using [dumpOSC] with [sendOSC], as we have done in class. This includes using [OSCroute] to parse the incoming streams.
OSC simple example using [dumpOSC]
2. Using [udpreceive] and [udpsend], which can be used to share raw UDP data (Note: this method could be used to receive other kinds of UDP data as well, such as that coming from other network devices or software). The caveat with OSC data streams is they must be packaged as OSC data on the way out with [packOSC] and then unpackaged on the receiving end with [unpack OSC]. This allows the use of more standard PD objects to parse the resulting steam since you don’t need an OSC-specific interpreter. In this example, the object “route” is used, which is a generic PD object for routing data. See its help file (right-click on the object and choose “Help”) for more information.