Arrays and soundfiles

Below are some patches from today’s session.

1.) Arrays as indexed storage containers for values. Use the slider to scrub through the arrays and see the values. Or hit the green “toggle” to start the metronome and counter.
–> We used this patch in class to send MIDI notes to Live.


2.) Arrays can be used to load soundfiles using [soundfiler]. As before, they are simply storing numbers, here the individual samples / amplitude values of the loaded soundfile.
–> This patch contains multiple methods for playing the array / soundfile, starting with [tabplay~], which simply plays the array from beginning to end (or with a message telling it to start at a sample and play for a number of samples. The [line~] player in the lower right is similar, using a line / ramp to read through the array.
–> Be sure to turn up the volume on whichever part of the patch you are playing with
–> The last player, “loopplayer” uses a [phasor~] or sawtooth wave to read through the array. We discussed this in class.


3.) I showed several examples of ways of using arrays, including a “Beat Slicer”, cutting the file into segments and then randomly playing those segments. Here are three version, one that uses a random number generator, [random], and the other two that specify the slice / segment to be played using either another array (amen_sequencer/”MAIN-MIDIarray.pd”) OR a set of Radio buttons (amen_sequencer/”MAIN-radiobuttons.pd”).



For those of you looking for more information, here are a number of useful resources. The first is the PD help browser, found in the “Help” menu within the application. The second (very useful!!) is the PD FLOSS Manual, found here. The third is a set of very thorough tutorials by Alexandre Porres, found here. And the last is this video series on YouTube by Dr. Rafael Hernandez.

A help file specifically for arrays can be found in the FLOSS Manual here. In the video series, here is discussion of arrays.

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