Assignment 0: Joel Hoover

Hi all! My name is Joel Hoover, and I am a senior in Computer Science, with minors in Game Design and Linguistics. My musical background is rather shallow: I self-taught myself a little bit of piano, and composed several songs in both GarageBand and in tracker software (mainly MilkyTracker) over the past few years. I have taken a few music courses at Cornell, namely Elements of Musical Notation (MUSIC 1100) and Music and Digital Gameplay (MUSIC 2701), and I have also taken the intro and advanced game design courses (CS 3152 and CS 4152) where I acted as the Audio Lead, composing music and developing sound effects for my groups games.

I have a few reasons for taking this course. First, I want to better understand the technical aspects of the musical software, such as the theory behind the internal workings of synthesizers. Second, I want to better understand the creative, musical perspective of how such software is used, and more in general how the creative process works for musical compositions (as being self taught and a rather technical person, I have a pretty great gap in my knowledge concerning this). Finally, I want to create some music! I often do not have time anymore to just sit down and create music like I used to, so I will greatly enjoy having this opportunity to create musical compositions, especially after being taught some new techniques!

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