Author Archives: Studio User

Paul Lansky Discussion

Dear Colleagues,

Let me first ask your ideas about the music of Lansky independent of his thoughts on the paper.

First, I have to admit I found the aesthetic in his music quite interesting in general. On the other hand, specifically three Idle Chatter’s does not totally convinced me. In the micro level, the speech particles was very interesting. However, the form which comes out of those in a tonal sense and its cycles make it less interesting for me. Also the the timber and its textural categorization was overly stable. For sure it does not has to neither change, nor transform but since those parameters,  the feeling of beats and tonal expectations sounds together, those works become less interesting for me then the six fantasies or some of his other works.

Maybe the understanding of time is the main cause for this. For instance, in the Steve Reich’s music, maybe the phase shifting ideas makes the works more interesting. Even in the Pendulum Music, the teleological order of the moments makes the constant timbre of mics interesting. However, in Chatters, the understanding of time seems ordinary to me.

What is your opinions?




Hey Everybody

Hey everyone,

My name is Cameron Niazi and I’m a junior biology major in the College of Arts and Sciences. I’m taking this class because I really enjoy making music in my free time, and want to get more exposure to new techniques and softwares for music production. I play the guitar and produce/dj on Ableton live, and I’ve spent a good chunk of time trying to merge these two skills to make something unique. Let me know if any of you guys want to jam some time or talk music, I’m always down!

Hi All

I’m Henry, fourth year architect. I used to play the flute and currently learning piano. I’m interested in an amalgamation between architecture and music, how people interact with each, and how people interact in both cases. I’ve done some video work: and Though nothing fancy, combining disciplines (music, art, architecture, literature) is something that can prove interesting. I’m looking forward not only to create music, but to create an environment, a space, that is experienced and/or changed by acoustics.


Hello fellow humans,

My name is Matthew. I am a senior majoring in development sociology in CALS. I have had an interest in music creation since high school and I took 1421 last semester. I play guitar, rap, and want to learn more about live performance. I hope everyone in the class (including myself)  gets to explore their interest and has fun. I look forward to my hope becoming a reality.


Hi everyone, my name is Han. I’m a senior majoring in Economics. I’m minoring in film studies, music, and business (yes, I’m a video person). I’m taking this class because I’m interested in creating soundtracks for my film projects, which can either be conventional experimental documentaries or live installments of visual and sonic creations. I don’t have a strong background in Western music but I play various non-Western percussion instruments (Korean, Latin American, African, etc.). I look forward to learning a lot from Professor Ernste and my peers in this class. Thanks!


Hello to the world. My name is David, and I’m a junior in the ILR School. I’ve always wanted to take this course, but I’ve never been able to until now. I do come from a music background–I play piano, guitar, sing, and the ukulele–but I want to seriously look into producing music now. I’m excited to see what’s to come this semester and hope to learn a lot as well.


Hi everyone! My name is Aarohee and I’m a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. I’m majoring in Biology and Psychology with minors in Spanish and Music. I’m taking this class because I want to learn more about DAWs, music performance techniques, and studio set-up. I have previous music experience in piano, violin, singing, and music production. I look forward to this semester!

Original version of my cover

Hi all,

If you’re curious, here is the link to “Turn It Around” by Lucius, which I covered for Project 2.

Thanks for your feedback today!



Project One

We ran out of time during section, and it’s too large to directly upload to this blog, so here’s my piece for Project One:

Perhaps ‘Sturm und Drang’ might be a bit much, but I think the thunderstorm sounds justify the dramatic title. Also, I couldn’t think of anything else, so there.

I got the following tracks from Trifonic: vocals, “ambiance”, synth strings, bass, kick, and guitar. I found recording of a thunderstorm on the sound library–thank you, Dave Welsh! I found a track called “breath” that featured two raspy breaths in quick succession. I used those as a sort of heartbeat at the start and end of the piece. I don’t know whose track that is, but thank you, and feel free to comment on this post and take credit; that track was really cool, so you definitely deserve it.

There’s also a pulsating drone throughout. I used drumsticks and chopsticks and recorded myself running the sticks across the keyboards (the one for the iMac, the Yamaha keyboard and the MIDI input device). That track was originally supposed to be rain, but I put resonators on it (Valhalla and Rome, I think), and really liked the sound, so I removed the percussive attacks and made it unrecognizable by adding more reverb. I really like reverb. And resonators. Resonators are cool.

Let me know what you think!

question about assignments

Hi all,

Are assignments due any specific time on Thursdays, or just anytime before Friday?

Also, this may be a stupid question but how do you access work you saved on the Sound drive in one studio, from a different studio?



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