Author Archives: Studio User

Joe Fuentes Introduction

Hello, my name is Joe. I’ve been playing the piano since I was young, but really started getting into it around 4 years ago after I started learning scales and improvising off progressions I would come up with. I’ve gotten better at it since and I really enjoy coming up with sweet progressions and a nice little melody to accompany it. I’ve lately gotten really into listening to one bassa nova artist Jobim, so I suppose he influences my style a bit.

I’ve been using the DAW Studio One by Presonus for over three years. The first year messing around with it, I was doing mostly arrangements of sounds I thought were cool. Probably a year into it, I started getting into making hip hop and learning about mixing, after getting inspired listening to Nujabes’ Luv Sic project(specifically Part 3).  I started rapping as well along the line, and I feel confident in my ability to sing, or pick up another instrument as an alternative to grabbing a sample or using MIDI.

I’m excited to take this class to fill all the gaps in my knowledge, that comes from youtube and a few articles. I know that this class will make my music exponentially better, and I look forward to making great music with everyone!

Daniel Weiss — Music 1421 Assignment 0

Hi! I’m Daniel Weiss from Washington DC.

I was first introduced to music in first grade when I began playing the piano. I took lessons though elementary school and then joined my middle school band as a keyboardist, where for three years I preformed at school concerts and local events. In eighth grade I began making loops and hip hop beats using GarageBand and then later upgraded to Logic Pro where throughout high school I would mess around with the software and sometimes create cool sounds.


I enrolled in Music 1421 because I felt as if I knew how to use the basic features of digital music programs, but never properly learned how to create new and unique sounds. I was looking to turn my shaky hobby of music production into a more polished skill. Additionally since I am no longer taking piano or in a band, I enrolled in this course because I wanted to continue my music education. Also I listen to music for hours every day and recognize the true power that comes with being a talented composer and producer.

Looking for a Final Project Partner

Hi everyone!  This is Anna (the person that sings for all of her projects) and I’m looking for a final project partner.  I’m looking for a more tech/computer-inclined person since I exist more on the purely music side of things.  I want to write an original song (would definitely be down to collaborate on this with a partner!) and I also thought it would be cool to have colored lights that go off in response to different parts of the song.  So the performance would really have a pop concert feel.  If this sounds appealing to anyone let me know!

Face Tracking Application

I can’t remember who used this tech in their performance, but what is the name of the application that maps to your face and allows you to adjust certain parameters through your expressions?

Anyone need a partner?

Hey, I’m Kai. I’m still looking for a group for project 2 in MUSIC 2421. Hit me up at if you are looking for a partner or a third. I have no particular preference and I’m down to do anything, I’m also free most of the day on weekdays to meet.



Looking for partner – Project 2

Hi everyone, it is Huy. I am looking for potential partner for project 2.

My main forte is graphics, so I am looking to use pd as either a signal sorting program, or use GEM to visualize signals. If you are looking for interesting audio-visual interactions for your piece, hit me up.

I would also be on campus during Spring Break, if that is going to matter to you.

2421: Assignment 0

Hi guys, I’m Rene. Most people call me Nick though. I just joined 2421. I’m from Chicago and I’m a junior in A&S. I’ve been creating and performing music on my laptop for a while. I started out with Garageband, then started DJ-ing using Traktor and Virtual DJ. I began to explore and was amazed at the potential for producing music from scratch using Live. I slowed down on the live music and DJ-ing and stuck with producing good range of tunes. I took piano for several years but forgot most of it. Also took a bit of percussion.


Hi! My name is Yihao Chen and I am a junior transfer student majoring in computer science. I am a flute player and I am learning to play the piano and guitar. Also, I make music. So far, I have not set up a Soundcloud page but I will do it soon.

Blog 1

Hi, my name is David Cabuenas and I am a junior music major and visual artists

My main interest include Hip-hop, Experimental & Avante-garde music, and digital media.

I am involved with the underground music communities at Cornell and in New York City. I’ve played and booked shows for Fanclub Collective, JAM, and Ithaca Underground.


2421 Intro

Hey all, my name is Salief. I am a junior studying Information Science and Animal Science. I am an avid listener of all sound! My creative experience lies mainly in the realm of photography although I’ve been been making music on my own for a while now. I mainly listen to hip-hop & rap, as well as a huge range of electronic music. If you want a taste of what I listen to you can check out my likes on SoundCloud here. I am very excited about this course and look forward to sharing with you all.

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