Class Performance #1

Here is the order for our Tuesday  / Thursday (2/24 and 2/26) performances of your first pieces. Please come on time (or early, where possible) prepared to perform either on my provided laptop (along with a launchpad, microphones, and MIDI keyboard–likely the red one from Studio C) or with your own computer, using any of the USB studio devices.

I will have connectivity for two computers (stereo audio connection) with the hope of moving through your pieces as smoothly as possible. If you have your own audio interface, I can easily connect 1/4″ or XLR cables as well.


Ian Hoffman
Cameron Niazi
Erna Woyee
Laura Furman
Vaibhav Aggarwal
Cassidy Molina
Charles Peng
Hanbyul Seo
Mihir Chauhan
Kristin Murray
Riley Owens


Chun-Han Chuang
Jasmine Edison
Aarohee Fulay
Shane Moore
Julia Klein
Mimi Lee
Matthew Mardesich
Mengya You
Yuan Zhou Bo
Matthew Williams
Kevin Garcia
Brendan Sanok

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