Hi it’s Huy here.

Hello everyone,

I am Huy, a senior in Biology, A&S. I took 1421 last year and it was super awesome, so now here I am again.
Before 1421, I was not a serious musician but I have worked as Radio DJ for CornellRadio.com and independently, and I also organized bands and VJ back in my hometown Hanoi, Vietnam during High School. Coming in 2421 I hope to make use of new softwares and hardwares to improve my live visual techniques, while also learning how to be better with DAWs. If you are interested in visual effects that responds to your music in real time, it would be great if we could talk.

If you are interested in what I do and listen to, here are some links:
https://soundcloud.com/coolagen/tracks – I only have tracks I have done for 1421 uploaded so far.
https://www.last.fm/user/c0llagen – A tracking site of what music I been listening to.
https://www.facebook.com/pg/JexplosionCR/videos/ – The page for my radio show, and also some audio-reactive visuals I have made.

Hope to have a good time with everyone this semester.

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