My name is Hanxiang Hao, a master student in ECE department. I’m also a percussionist in CU Winds and I used to play in post-rock, punk and pop-rock bands in college as a drummer. So if anyone looks for a drummer or wants to work with me in project, feel free to contact me!
Hi everyone!
My name’s Jacob Grossfeld and I’m a current senior in Arts and Sciences majoring in Economics. I’ve been playing guitar and bass for around 8 years now, and I’ve spent some time in the past writing and recording music although I will admit that my production has receded since I went to college, which is partially why I signed up for this class. However, I still devote a significant portion of my time towards music, as I’ve become involved in both the on-campus radio station, WVBR, the student run record label, Electric Buffalo Records, and have some experience working in the business and administrative fields of the music industry. I’ve always been super intrigued by the idea of producing music and have been looking for an instructional hands-on course on DAWs and recording and whatnot for awhile, so I’m super excited to be here. Thanks!
Anyone looking for a project partner?
Hi everyone,
I’ve been thinking about ideas for the final project and was wondering if anyone out there wanted to team up with a saxophone player (me)?
-Jenae (mjl347)
Ableton refresher for future reference
If you haven’t installed PD yet scroll down one post.
I missed the live performance last week but since I spent a lot of time on it, I figured I might as well not let my effort go to waste. Since Macs have a record screen function, I realized I could also showcase a few of the cool things Ableton has that you may or may not have seen.
My project focuses on using MIDI instruments, rather than taking samples from online. This means I can play any song I want (or rather, the audience wants), and probably make a mashup too. In hindsight though, I recommend making your drum tracks before a live performance… Unfortunately there are some limitations to using MIDI instruments in Ableton, which are very evident at the transitions.
Anyway, have fun! You may or may not recognize the song.
Thomas Torng
Hi Everyone
My name is Miguel and I’m a junior in the ILR School. I used to sing and play piano consistently when I was younger but now I enjoy focusing my efforts into producing music. I only recently started to explore music production as I have always been a fan of hip-hop. As I grew older however, my music taste diversified immensely and I now enjoy listening to house, electronic, indie rock, r&b, jazz, soul, and every subcategory in between. Being exposed to hip-hop all these years, I have always been more appreciative of the lyrical side of music, but as I grew to love all types of music, I have come to embrace every aspect of a musical art piece, from the drums and bass, to the effects, and to the instruments I never even used to notice. And I have always considered music to be my favorite art form, because it always resonated with me the most.
Having such a strong connection to music, it was only a natural step for me to start experimenting with making my own. Since my skills in computer music production and performance are only average at best, I hope that through this course, I can master the music software and performance tools necessary to make me a more creative musician. I want to familiarize myself with the music software as much as possible and learn to perform as such. I want to be able to produce a piece of music from any genre I feel like doing. In short, I want to translate all my creative musical ideas into reality. And the best way I can see myself doing that is through this course. Thank you for reading and I hope to learn as much from you guys as I will from this course!
Hello Friends
My name is Ryan and I’m a sophomore studying biology in Arts & Sciences. I’ve been playing piano for 8 years and have recently been focusing on jazz. I mostly am interested in hip-hop/dance music like Odesza, Atmosphere, and Madeon. I have very limited experience in production and live performance, but hope to learn a lot this semester.
Hello World!
My name is Paul DeVito and I am a computer science major and music minor. I am fascinated by the intersection between music and the digital world, and have some experience creating songs using virtual instruments and making simple edits in Acoustica Mixcraft. I am a part of Cornell’s student composition club: Contrapunkt. We gather musicians to put on concerts each semester to allow students to have their work performed. If anyone here is interested just shoot Martin Mahoney an email (mjm676 AT
I played viola, piano, and percussion in high school, though have only kept up with piano. I brought up my viola this semester with the hopes that something will give me inspiration to actually play it, but so far nope. I am currently writing a piano trio and looking for some musicians to record with me :). Plz lmk if interested.
Looking forward to making music with yall!
My name is Shining (Christina) Sun. I am a 4th year architecture student. I started playing piano when I was 5 years old and have been playing it for the past 15 years. Though my background is mostly in the visual field, I have become very interested in experimental and digital music after seeing Bill Viola’s video artworks. In his videos, sound is a powerful agent that is inseparable from the image. Two years ago, I composed a digital music piece in collaboration with a young musician for my art installation in Shanghai. This fun experience made me want to join the class and really learn more about digital production of music. I also wish to apply the knowledge learned in this class to my future installations.
Nathan Hwang
Hi all,
I’m a senior majoring in Information Science. I started playing the violin when I was very young, and picked up guitar during my freshman year of college. I frequently performed in violin recitals and in my middle school orchestra’s concerts. Only recently I started to play around a bit with Garageband and Ableton, and I hope to learn a lot more about how to use all the different features DAWs have to offer. I haven’t played the violin since high school, but I’ve continued to play the guitar on occasion.
Some producers that got me interested in learning more about music production include Kanye West, Grimes, Ariel Rechtshaid, Max Martin, Flume, DJ Mustard and Daft Punk. As you can probably tell from the names I listed, I’m most interested in hip-hop/pop/dance music, and I hope to create some cool projects in these genres this semester.
Hello, Walter here
Hello everyone, my name is Walter Simmons and I am a senior at the Hotel School. I have been interested in music since I was young and have played the piano and guitar for years. I haven’t been doing that as much lately, but now I have gotten more into music production on the computer. Lately, I’ve been using Ableton and Native Instruments programs and I look forward to learning a lot more about production and performance in class this semester.