Concert Order, Sunday December 7th 2014

Concert order for tomorrow’s 3pm performance in Lincoln Hall B20 performance is below with available rehearsal times in parenthesis.

[table]Computer C (Left), Own Laptop (Center), Computer D (Right)
Shelby Hankee (10am), Laura Furman (10:10am), Henry Chuang (10:20am)
James Winebrake(2:10pm), , Yundi Gao (10:40am)
Michelle Gostic(10:50am), Aarohee Fulay (11am), Skyler Gray (11:10am)


Adam Beckwith  (11:30am), “”, Benjamin Hwang  (11:40am)
Chad Lazar (11:50pm), “” , Kwang Lee  (12:00pm)
Jennifer Lim  (12:10pm), Riley Owens (12:20pm) , Nicholas Livezey  (12:30pm)
Mary Millard (12:40pm), “” , Cassidy Molina (12:50pm)
Cameron Niazi (1pm), “” ,


Brendan Sanok (1:10pm), “” , Hanbyul Seo (1:20pm)
William Seward (1:30pm), Marcus Wetlaufer (1:40pm), Suk Sung (1:50pm)
Matthew Williams (2pm), “”, Jasmine Edison (10:30am)
Christopher Yu (2:20pm), Luka Maisuradze (2:30pm), Lisa Zhu (2:40pm)

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