New tutorials going online

In advance of our coming final performances, I will be uploading a series of tutorial videos for your review, illustrating several potential methods for streaming your end-of-semester performances, from the simplest (sharing the Desktop or audio only in Zoom) to more complex arrangements using tools like OBS (, mentioned previously.

See this page for more details.

For tomorrow’s lab on OBS, it might be useful to review this first tutorial below, illustrating recording of video, Desktop, and audio sources in OBS. This tutorial will be included in an upcoming FAQ page, including the other live streaming tutorials I mentioned.

One Thought on “New tutorials going online

  1. Eli Marshall on December 14, 2020 at 2:10 PM said:

    If you’re getting a low-resolution playback of this video, you can adjust the settings directly at the YouTube site (by clicking on the in-video YouTube icon).

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