Studio and lab issues resolved

Earlier today, a student reported issues in the library lab and studios, including 1) Live 9 licensing problems, 2) Reason network licensing (library lab), and 3) Rewire sharing between Live 9 and Reason.

All issues have now been resolved. All studios are repaired, the library lab license server is back online, and Rewire has been confirmed to work, once again, in all three studios.

– Please be sure to use Live 9 for the remainder of the semester, particularly if you are using Rewire.

– If and when issues of this kind (issues affecting the usability of the labs for any user) come up I certainly appreciate hearing about them so they can be resolved immediately. The more detailed your input the more quickly we can resolve the concern.

— Professor Ernste

P.S. While solving an issue in the lab, someone asked about the Network Drive being unavailable. Please see the FAQ on that issue if that happens again.

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