Author Archives: Kevinernste

Taylan Cihan’s custom electronic instruments

Profile, Taylan Cihan

Taylan Cihan, in performance

UPDATE: With profound sadness, I relay that Taylan Cihan, whose research and development at CEMC is featured below, has passed away–October 8th 2014. His instruments remain at the Center and are planned to be used as part of SoundLab, a DIY electronics initiative at Cornell that Taylan himself was, at the time of his death, working to implement.


Composition graduate student Tayan Cihan (DMA anticipated 2015) has developed a series of instruments at CEMC, primarily for his own use in live performances with the Cornell Avant Garde Ensemble (CAGE) and elsewhere. Each contributes to a continuously developing modular performance system, operating individually or generating layers within a collective. Below is a gallery of several of these instruments, created 0ver the last several years at CEMC.

Each instruments represents hundreds of hours of design and implementation, ranging from purely electronic circuitry through Arduino-based (open hardware) digital/analog hybrid devices, and onto integrated analog-digital mechanisms where computer and analog hardware are sharing, listening, and modifying on another. His endeavor with these devices is technical, practical, sonic, and aesthetic.

Further devices, complete instrument details, schematics, design rationale, sounds, video, and software code (where applicable) can be found on Taylan’s personal website.

Cornell LadyFest, 2014

Ladyfest Cornell – April 11, 2015 at the Schwartz Center

This year marks the first ever Ladyfest Cornell, a one day festival of performance, activism, music, and film that will feature original works by women and LGBTQ Cornell students. We are currently seeking proposals from interested students. For more information and the proposal form, please visit:

Proposals are due October 15th. Questions can be emailed to Annie Lewandowski, Lecturer in Music.

Early electronic music, links

Here are some materials related to this morning’s lecture on various currents in early electronic music:

The Futurists

Marinetti’s Futurust Manefesto (1909), the philosophical foundations of Futurism

Russolo’s Intonarumori (noise instruments) in an exhibition and in performance.

Mechanical and early electronic instruments

Thaddeus Cahill’s Telharmonium (1906)

George Antheil’s Ballet Mecanique (1924) — also a version at the National Gallery showing instruments.

The Theremin, played by Clara Rockmore (virtuosi)

Musique concrète

Pierre Schaeffer – “Etude aux Chemins de Fer”

Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry’s Symphony for a Man Alone, Mvt. 1:  Prossopopeé I

Elektronische Musik

Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Studie I (1953)

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Gesang der Jünglinge (1955/1956)

Varese and the Phillips Pavilion

Details on the building itself, images and descriptions of the work

Some further background, images, and virtual video

Poème électronique (1958), with video “overlay”

Marc Treib’s Space Calculated in Seconds, a book on the piece

Deatils on the “Vitual Electronic Poem Project“, a contemporary realization

Editing and Saving with Audacity

Below is a brief video tutorial for editing and saving with Audacity. These basic steps will help you in completing the early assignments in this Music 1421.

Editing and Saving Audio Files with Audacity

Studio Access delay

It seems the studio access data did not go into the doors on Friday as planned! I’m not sure what happened but it cannot be corrected until Monday morning (Labor Day!!) Tuesday Morning. I have updated the due date for Assignment #1, pushing it back to next Tuesday the 9th instead of this Thursday the 2nd.

My apologies for the delay!

Professor Ernste

Concert Order

Concert order for tomorrow is as follows. The letters indicate the computer assignment, machines from Studios C and D, respectively. The D machine will host the 88-key keyboard. OL = own laptop (running at a third station). Larger setups and those with multiple computers usually appear first after intermission.

I look forward to to tomorrow and to a smooth concert. If you have any remaining concerns, please let us know.

1. Wei Ning Nicole Liang – C
2. Claire Straus  – D
3. Andrew Huang  – C
4. Eileen Ceconi – D
5. Stephanie Grant  – C
6. Matt Miller – D
7. Valeryan Besselyanov  – C
8. Jil Sanchez – D
9. Sylvia Zhao  – C
10. Jonathan Wu – D
11. Michael Ndubuisi – OL


12. Julia Klein, Nate Goldman, and James Rainis – OL (+)
13. Adam David & Shah Ahmed  – C
14. Justin Wang – D
15. Andre Anderson video piece (postponed)
16. Ray Kim – OL
17. Zach Anderson – D
18. Kelvin Jin – OL
19. Jeff Setter – – C 
20.Jacob Lifton – D 
22. Austin Taylor – OL
22. Jevon Yu – D


23. Matthew Joe – OL
24. Theresa Anoje  – C
25. Keima Udoka & Michelle Chang – OL
26. Jun-Kyo Seo – D
27. Daniel Carpenter – C
28. Kai Keane – OL
29. Thomas Owens  D & OL

Sound Checks

Below are the sound check times for tomorrow. If you do not need this time or can’t make your time slot, please let me know as soon as possible. And if a time is not listed for you and you’d like to check in, please stop by from 9:30 to 2 and we will try to fit you in. Or feel free to email me still this evening.

Andrew Huang — 9:30
Eileen Ceconi — 9:40
Stephanie Grant — 9:50
Valeryan Besselyanov — 10am
Jil Sanchez — 10:10
Sylvia Zhao — 10:20
Jonathan Wu — 10:30
Julia Klein, Nate Goldman, and James Rainis — 10:40
Steven Bell — 11am
Jacob Lifton — 11:20
Ray Kim — 11:30
Kevin Nielsen Garcia — 11:40
Kelvin Jin — 11:50
Adam David & Shah Ahmed — 12 noon
Zach Anderson — 12:10
Michael Ndubuisi 12:30
Jevon Yu — 12:40
Matthew Joe & Austin Opatrny 12:50
Theresa Anoje 1:10
Keima Udoka & Michelle Chang 1:20
Thomas Owens 1:40

PD patch examples from class

1. Various ways of playing files in PD:

Screen Shot 2014-05-09 at 9.15.36 PM


1.playing_audiofiles (PD patch, right-click and save)

2. A Beat Slicer (using player ideas from above)

Screen Shot 2014-05-09 at 9.18.35 PM


8.Beat-Slicer (PD patch as ZIP, including example audio)

DIY Synthesizer Workshop

Graduate student Taylan Cihan, along with Professors Kevin Ernste and Trevor Pinch and in conjunction with the Tompkins County History Center’s celebration of Ithaca’s rich history with the Moog Synthesizer (Switched-On: The Birth of the Moog Synthesizer) presented a series of hands-on synthesizer building workshops.

The most recent workshop, given on on Saturday, April 12th, 2014, from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m, was open to all ages and skills. Participants left with a working synthesizer. The events were sponsored by Ithaca Underground and with support of Cornell Electroacoustic Music Center and Department of Science and Technology Studies.


Polyphonic 4093 NAND Synth (build project from 4/12 workshop)

Step-by-step instructions for breadboarding a polyphonic 4093 NAND synth with built-in amplifier and several modifications. This is a simple and fun project for those who would want to get their hands dirty with analog electronics for the first time or have very little experience. Having said that, it is possible to get highly interesting sonic results with the suggested modifications that appear mid-way through. This is a set of instructions that I have used in a public workshop that took place at the Tompkins History Centeron April 12 as a part of their ongoing exhibition, Switched-On: The Birth of the Moog Synthesizer

Running Reason on CEMC systems

Reason (and Record) software is authorized on CEMC systems via a network licensing scheme. When you start Reason for the first time during your session, you will see a window, as below, asking you to authorize your use of Reason/Record.

Choose “Run with Multi License”.


Once open, I recommend using the CEMC Default template for new projects. Choose “File–>New from Template–>CEMC Default.”


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