Author Archives: Kevinernste

Items from today and some for next week

The complete audible discography of Edouard Leon Scott de Martinville, the world’s first recording artist, and French inventor of the Phonautograph.

And on the topic of “What is Music?” some listening for your consideration. I encourage you to explore the history and context of this piece (some names and terms to get you started: Le Corbusier, Iannis Xenakis, Philips Pavilion, Brussels World Fair, “Space Measured in Seconds”, musique concrète).

Edgar Varèse’s “Poem Electronique”.

User accounts can now be added

Please click on “Login” above and follow links to create a new user account. Please remember to use your address so I can identify valid accounts.

Once you’ve been added, please see Assignment 0.

Concert Order

Ernes Woyee, Matthew Williams — ONGOING, UNDER LOBBY
Jasmine Edison
Cameron Niazi
Hanbyul Seo
Julia Klein, Ian Hoffman, Riley Owens
Shane Moore

INTERMISSION — Henry Chuang (piece near studios)

Brendan Sanok, Mihir Chauhan, Laura Furman
Kevin Nielsen
Aarohee Fulay
Bobby Zhou
Cassidy Molina
Charles Peng, Kristin Murray, Bella You, Mimi Lee

Rehearsal schedule, Sunday May 10th

10:00 – 10:20 –> Jasmine Edison
10:20 – 10:40 –> Cameron Niazi
10:40 – 11:00 –> Ernes Woyee, Matthew Williams
11:00 – 11 20 –> Hanbyul Seo
11:20 – 11:40 –> Julia Klein, Ian Hoffman, Riley Owens
11:40 – 12:00 –> Shane Moore

12:00 – 1:00 –> LUNCH

1:00 – 1:20 –> Kevin Nielsen
1:20 – 1:40 –> Brendan Sanok, Mihir Chauhan, Laura Furman
1:40 – 2:00 –> Aarohee
2:00 – 2:20 –> Cassidy Molina
2:20 – 2:40 –> Bobby Zhou
2:40 – 3:00 –> Charles Peng, Kristin Murray, Bella You, Mimi Lee

SuperCollider and soundfiles

Please download the attached examples, expanding into the use of sound files, MIDI, and internal recording, among other concepts.

I have added my example from class today

I have added Supercollider examples to the Assignment #4 listing, taken from today’s class, 4/28. See here, “UPDATE #2”.

Links from Music 2421 lecture this morning

Some links from today:

Nicolas Collin’s Handmade Electronic Instruments (also in our library)

Our own (CEMC) research pages, with recent projects

Instruments and information (including DIY pages) of student Taylan Cihan

Tristan Perich, Microtonal Wall

Tristan Perich, 1-bit Symphony (available in the library)

Toshimaru Nakamura – NIMB #1

Toshimaru Nakamura – NIMB #42

SuperCollider, in-class materials

As a follow-up to our Thursday discussion and DIY workshop, we will, today, be delving further into the realm of hardware as well as software “hacking”, including several new programming languages that should be of interest to some in the class.

We will carry out one brief assignment with the last one I will show you, SuperCollider, as an initial experience with its syntax and interface with a mind toward knowing enough to peruse its examples for further discovery.

Download SuperCollider itself here.

I am also supplying several example patches to be viewed together in class. You can download these HERE.

Other pertinent links from lecture:

Arduino, open hardware “make” software and programming language for interactive projects
Circuit Bending at “Anti-theory (there are many other sites of interest!)
Tristan Perich, composer (1-bit symphony)
Supercollider code examples repository (!!!!!!!)

EDM Mixer, Jam space, Cornell

Poster 09 - Untitled Page

Some links from today, and music to explore

Luigi Russolo’s “Art of Noise” (futurist manifesto, 1913)

Edgard Varése, Poème électronique

George Antheil, Ballet Mécanique (robotic version):

Harry Partch, composers and instrument builder:

Instruments page
Explanation of instrument design and scales
Barstow (hobo story and songs)

John Cage, 4′ 33″ (David Tudor, piano)

Alvin Lucier, composer:

I am sitting in a room
Music for Solo Performer (brain waves)
Music on a Long Thin Wire

Max Neuhaus, composer and sound artist:

Listen, info and statement (sound walk from today)
Times Square

Stephen Vitiello, “Winds After Hurricane Floyd”

Judy Dunaway (balloon artist/performer):

Reed improvisation
Piece for tenor balloon:

Tristan Perich, composer and visual/mechanical artist:

Microtonal Wall
One-bit symphony

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