Author Archives: Kevinernste

Paul Lansky, keynote address

Here, for students of 6421, is the article I mentioned in class. This speech was given to a room full of people who know Lansky’s work well, so it makes some assumptions (you may need to listen to his music first: the pieces on our list as well as Mild Und Lise, which he mentions several times).

Lansky keynote, ICMC 2009

More than being an auto-biographical sketch or a reminiscence, the speech seeks to illuminate his changing relationship with computer music but also his observations about the changing landscape of technology and music making generally.

(In the introduction, Lansky refers to a important interview where he formally bid farewell to computer music. This was very public and, at the time, controversial. I will leave it to you to unearth it…)

Spear spectral editor

Sinusoidal Partial Editing Analysis and Resynthesis
for MacOS X, MacOS 9 and Windows

Downloads (free) here.

Be sure to read the “help” page for SPEAR containing keystrokes, hints, and solutions to common problems in SPEAR and analysis/resynthesis generally.

SPEAR is an application for audio analysis, editing and synthesis. The analysis procedure (which is based on the traditional McAulay-Quatieri technique) attempts to represent a sound with many individual sinusoidal tracks (partials), each corresponding to a single sinusoidal wave with time varying frequency and amplitude.

Something which closely resembles the original input sound (a resynthesis) can be generated by computing and adding all of the individual time varying sinusoidal waves together. In almost all cases the resynthesis will not be exactly identical to the original sound (although it is possible to get very close).

Aside from offering a very detailed analysis of the time varying frequency content of a sound, a sinusoidal model offers a great deal of flexibility for editing and manipulation. SPEAR supports flexible selection and immediate manipulation of analysis data, cut and paste, and unlimited undo/redo. Hundreds of simultaneous partials can be synthesized in real-time and documents may contain thousands of individual partials dispersed in time. SPEAR also supports a variety of standard file formats for the import and export of analysis data.

Read more in the ICMC paper “Software for Spectral Analysis, Editing, and Synthesis.” (pdf) or in the dissertation paper Spectral Analysis, Editing, and Resynthesis: Methods and Applications (dissertation).

— Michael Klingbeil, author of SPEAR

Concert Order, Sunday December 7th 2014

Concert order for tomorrow’s 3pm performance in Lincoln Hall B20 performance is below with available rehearsal times in parenthesis.

[table]Computer C (Left), Own Laptop (Center), Computer D (Right)
Shelby Hankee (10am), Laura Furman (10:10am), Henry Chuang (10:20am)
James Winebrake(2:10pm), , Yundi Gao (10:40am)
Michelle Gostic(10:50am), Aarohee Fulay (11am), Skyler Gray (11:10am)


Adam Beckwith  (11:30am), “”, Benjamin Hwang  (11:40am)
Chad Lazar (11:50pm), “” , Kwang Lee  (12:00pm)
Jennifer Lim  (12:10pm), Riley Owens (12:20pm) , Nicholas Livezey  (12:30pm)
Mary Millard (12:40pm), “” , Cassidy Molina (12:50pm)
Cameron Niazi (1pm), “” ,


Brendan Sanok (1:10pm), “” , Hanbyul Seo (1:20pm)
William Seward (1:30pm), Marcus Wetlaufer (1:40pm), Suk Sung (1:50pm)
Matthew Williams (2pm), “”, Jasmine Edison (10:30am)
Christopher Yu (2:20pm), Luka Maisuradze (2:30pm), Lisa Zhu (2:40pm)

Studio and lab issues resolved

Earlier today, a student reported issues in the library lab and studios, including 1) Live 9 licensing problems, 2) Reason network licensing (library lab), and 3) Rewire sharing between Live 9 and Reason.

All issues have now been resolved. All studios are repaired, the library lab license server is back online, and Rewire has been confirmed to work, once again, in all three studios.

– Please be sure to use Live 9 for the remainder of the semester, particularly if you are using Rewire.

– If and when issues of this kind (issues affecting the usability of the labs for any user) come up I certainly appreciate hearing about them so they can be resolved immediately. The more detailed your input the more quickly we can resolve the concern.

— Professor Ernste

P.S. While solving an issue in the lab, someone asked about the Network Drive being unavailable. Please see the FAQ on that issue if that happens again.

Tyler Ehrlich’s ScoreViewer for Google Glass

Tyler Ehrlich’s ScoreViewer for Google Glass , a project initially conceived for use by Professor Cynthia Johnston Turner and the Cornell Wind Ensemble, provided a framework for the performance of Professor Kevin Ernste‘s AdWords™/Edward, the first commission piece of its kind for the Google Glass Explorers program.

Score “cards” can be uploaded directly from the web and called up verbally for performance (“OK Glass, perform Kevin’s piece”. Once loaded, performers “wink” through parts of the score (pages, cards, etc).

In AdWords™/Edward, winking advances through a series of short, repeated/looped phrases (see examples below, click to open) displayed in their glasses…a stylistic homage to Terry Riley’s In C, celebrating its 50th Anniversary year in 2014.

IMAGE: John Roark (

Listening from today

Erik Satie: Vexations, score and music (excerpt).

Terry Riley: In C (1964)

Original recording (instrumental ensemble)

Another version (chamber ensemble)

Version for orchestra

Musical score here.

Steve Reich: Come Out

Brian Eno: Music For Airports (Ambient 1)

Alvin Lucier: I am sitting in a room

(Optional) In Bb (YouTube crowdsourced video/music project)

Recording audio in Ableton Live

Recording audio directly into Ableton Live’s DAW is simple, requiring only an audio track and the specification of the input channel. This recording method has advantages over an editor, such as Audacity, in that it allows the selection of arbitrary input channels and easily facilitates the layered synchronization of new material onto old.

1) Create an audio track in Live

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 4.33.32 PM

2) In the new track’s input/output section, select the audio input channel you wish to record from.

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 4.34.24 PM

3) Arm the record for this new track (WARNING: if the input is a microphone, make sure the speakers are turned down, monitoring only through headphones).

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 4.34.59 PM

4) Arm the master record (circle, top-level “transport” control) and hit “play” (triangle)

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 4.35.58 PM

Connecting your laptop to studio computers and speakers

1) Using the cable supplied in each studio (1/8″ to split 1/4″, red and white), connect your laptop output to the front “Hi-Z 1 and 2” inputs on the Apogee Ensemble (top-most silver device under the computer).

Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 5.46.56 PM

2) In either Audacity or Live, set monitoring to “On” or arm record for channels 1 & 2 — in Audacity, 1& 2 are the default; in Live you must specify the track input, as shown here:

Tutorial on “Recording Audio” (as needed):

3 (May be needed)) Open the “Apogee Maestro” software (in /Applications if not shown as a purple “A” icon in the Macintosh dock). In the software’s “Input” tab, under channels 1 & 2 (left-most channels), set the input from “Mic” to either “Inst” (instrument) or “+4”, depending on what is listed.

  • If you do this, please do set it back to “Mic” when you are finished as this might confuse others using the studio after you.


Cornell Cinema presents:

A Sneak Preview of the New Documentary

Elektro Moskva

Introduced by Trevor Pinch (Science & Technology Studies, Cornell)

Wednesday, September 24 at 7:15pm

Willard Straight Theatre

The film features rare archival footage, including the last 1993 interview with famed inventor Leon Theremin.

Watch a trailer at:

Directed by Dominik Spritzendorfer & Elena Tikhonova

Welcome to the weird and definitely wired world of avant garde rock musicians, DIY circuit benders, vodka-swilling dealers and urban archaeologists/collectors, all fascinated with obsolete Soviet-era electronic synthesizers that were the by-product of the KGB and Soviet military, created in the off-hours by scientist/inventors cobbling together spare transistors and wires. In Russian and English with English subtitles. Cosponsored with Science & Technology Studies and The History Center of Tompkins County.

1 hr 29 min

More at

Assignment 3: Due Thursday October 2nd

This assignment is, as announced in lecture, in two parts.

1. Choose a song or piece of music you know (or think you know!) well. Analyze the song in terms of its form and progression in time,  listening carefully to how its inner details might aid in this progression. What do you think makes the music tick? What makes it move forward? What are the instruments and/or sounds and how do they develop? Are there small details, momentary or otherwise unnoticed, that you thing are important?

The result should be a diagram, in letters or symbols, of the form of the music plus a brief verbal description. This need not be any more than a few paragraphs to a full page, describing what you perceive to be the driving factors in the music.

2. A short re-mix using the materials provided below, taken from This should not be a time-consuming exercise as many of the raw materials will work nicely with one another without effort, but consider the relationships not only of simultaneity but also in time. Think about the form as a compositional strategy: how could/should the music unfold?

Turn in the resulting WAV or AIFF audio file along with a brief description of your re-mix. Did you follow or attempt to follow a particular form? Or was the result serendipitous? If so, can you make some brief observations about the result?

Here are the links to download content:

Instrumental tracks

Vocal tracks

The original artist page on CCMixter is here.

These materials are available under a Creative Commons “Attribution / Non-commercial” license, meaning:

You are free to: “share”—-copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and “adapt”–remix, transform, and build upon the material. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

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